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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860 > November > Spiritist Dissertations - Received or read by several mediums at the Society > Christianity
(Medium Mr. Didier Jr)
Christian moral is what does need to be observed in Spiritism. Many religions have been around for centuries, many splits and many supposed truths. Everything that was erected outside Christianity has fallen because it was not animated by the Holy Spirit. Christ sums up what is the most pure and divine moral, his teachings to the human being touch on his duties in this life and in the next. In the ancient world, where the teachings were the most sublime, it is still poor before such a rich and fertile moral. Plato’s halo fades away before that of Christ and Socrates’ cup is too little when compared to the immense chalice of the Son of the Man. Is that you, oh Sesotris, tyrant of the immobile Egypt, did you want to measure the height of the colossal pyramids compared to the birth of Christ in a manger? Is that you Solon? Is that you Lycurgus, whose barbarian law condemned the ill born children, will you be able to compare to the one who face pride by saying: “Let the children come to me”? Will that be you sacred priests of Numa, whose moral wanted the death of the guilty vestals32, to compare to the one who said to the adulterous woman: “Stand up woman, and sin no more”? No, no more of those terrible mysteries of your practices, oh ancient priests, with these Christian mysteries that you have based this sublime religion on in the name of Christianity; You will bow before him, all legislators and human priests, bow down for it is God who spoke through the mouth of this privileged being who is called Christ.
Christian moral is what does need to be observed in Spiritism. Many religions have been around for centuries, many splits and many supposed truths. Everything that was erected outside Christianity has fallen because it was not animated by the Holy Spirit. Christ sums up what is the most pure and divine moral, his teachings to the human being touch on his duties in this life and in the next. In the ancient world, where the teachings were the most sublime, it is still poor before such a rich and fertile moral. Plato’s halo fades away before that of Christ and Socrates’ cup is too little when compared to the immense chalice of the Son of the Man. Is that you, oh Sesotris, tyrant of the immobile Egypt, did you want to measure the height of the colossal pyramids compared to the birth of Christ in a manger? Is that you Solon? Is that you Lycurgus, whose barbarian law condemned the ill born children, will you be able to compare to the one who face pride by saying: “Let the children come to me”? Will that be you sacred priests of Numa, whose moral wanted the death of the guilty vestals32, to compare to the one who said to the adulterous woman: “Stand up woman, and sin no more”? No, no more of those terrible mysteries of your practices, oh ancient priests, with these Christian mysteries that you have based this sublime religion on in the name of Christianity; You will bow before him, all legislators and human priests, bow down for it is God who spoke through the mouth of this privileged being who is called Christ.