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The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860 > March > To the Readers of The Review Unsigned Letters
To the Readers of The Review Unsigned Letters
We sometimes receive letters signed by “one of your subscribers”, “one
of your readers”, “one of your followers”, etc. without any other
denomination. The majority contains reports of facts, spiritist communications
or questions requiring answers or even with a request for the evocation
of certain persons. We believe it to be our duty to warn the readers,
subscribers or non-subscribers that every non-authenticated letter is like
a non-received letter to us and as such, no attention is given to them. We
have great reservation in our reports with respect to the publication of
people’s names because we understand the difficulty of certain positions.
This is the reason why we only cite those who give us authorization. But
that is not the case regarding these communications. They remain in the
basket up until the time they can be read, since our works are multiplied
daily, not allowing us to bother with something that might not be serious.
Allan Kardec
Allan Kardec