The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1860 > October > Spiritist Dissertations - Received or read by several mediums at the Society > Mars

(Medium Mrs. Costel)

Mars is a rough draft of the Earth and also a planet inferior to it. It is not vital for habitation but is the first incarnation of crude demons. These creatures are rudimentary with a human form null of beauty; having the same instincts as human beings without the refinement of goodness.

Driven by physical needs, their daily life consists of eating, drinking, fighting and mating. However, since God never abandons any of His creatures, in the darkness of their elemental intelligence, there lies, in a latent state, the vague consciousness of themselves, more or less developed. Such an instinct is enough to make them want to progress higher than some of the others and prepare for the emergence to a more thorough life. Theirs is a short-lived life. People, who are nothing more than matter, disappear after a short period of progress. God rejects evilness and will not tolerate that as a servant of good principles; He shortens its reign allowing resurrection as a triumph.

The soil of Mars is arid with scarce vegetation and somber foliage, never renewed by spring; one day is the same as the others, always gray. The hardly noticeable sun never brings about festivities; a monotonous passage of time, without the changes and hopes carried over by new seasons; there is no winter or summer. The shorter days are not measured in the same way and the longer nights reign sovereign. Without technology or inventions, Mars’ inhabitants spend their lives seeking food. Their crude homes, low like lairs, are repulsive with prevalence for untidiness and negligence. Women play an inferior role: more famished, they are nothing but females, barely having maternal feelings, they give birth with ease without any anguish and feed and keep the children by their side until their complete development when they are pitilessly sent away.

They are not cannibals. The only objective of their never-ending battles is the conquest of good hunting areas. They hunt in the boundless plains. Uneasy and mobile as creatures void of intelligence, they move constantly. The equity of seasons entails the same needs and the same functions all the time with little difference between the inhabitants of either hemisphere.

Death does not scare them nor hold any mysteries; it is seen as the putrefaction of the body, which they immediately burn. When someone is about to die they are abandoned and left alone. It is on the deathbed that they think for the first time. They have a vague instinct like the robin that feels the coming migratory season, feeling that it is not the end, but something unknown is about to begin. They are not intelligent enough to suppose, fear or expect, but are able to hastily calculate their defeats and victories; the number of preys which were taken down, rejoicing or saddening according to the results.

His wife (they never have one at a time, and can always be replaced at will), crouches before the doorway of the house and throws some pebbles in the air. When they form a small mound, she is ready to look inside. If the expectations are confirmed and the man is dead she comes inside showing no emotions, strips the man from the animal skins that cover him and coldly informs the neighbors, who then carry the body away and burn it as the skin barely turns cold.

The animals on the planet suffer from the human influence and are more savage and cruel than in any other place. Dogs and wolves form a single species, always fighting man in gory combats. Moreover, serving as a reflection of their human counterparts, the animals are also less diverse and lower in quantity than on the Earth. The elements show a blind wrath of chaos. A furious ocean where navigation is not possible separates the continents. The roaring winds bend trees down to the ground. The high waters flood the ingrate and sterile land. The terrain does not offer the same conditions as those found on Earth. It is cold; the volcanoes are unknown; the mountain chains are not very high, offering no beauty; their view is uninspiring for exploration; everywhere you look, there is monotony and violence; and only men without foresight who kill for survival.

OBSERVATION: To serve as transition between the image of Mars and Jupiter there is the need for an intermediary, like for example Earth, that we know sufficiently well. The observation easily tells us that we are closer to Mars than Jupiter since even amidst civilization there still are such abject creatures, lacking in humanity and feeling, living in the most absolute state of brutalization, only attending to their material needs, without ever having raised their eyes to heaven, apparently coming straight from Mars.

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