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AGENERATE (from the Greek primitive a, and géine, géinomai, to engender;
that which has not been engendered). - This term expresses a variety of tangible
apparitions; the state of certain spirits who can momentarily assume the form of a living
person, so as to produce a complete illusion.
SPIRIT-RAPPERS. - A class of spirits who reveal their presence and their quality by raps and noises of different kinds.
ERRATICITY. - The state of errant or wandering spirits; that is to say, of such
as are not incarnate; the state of a spirit during the intervals between two successive
corporeal existences.
SPIRITIST. - That which has to do with spiritism ; a partisan of spiritism; one who believes in the fact of spirit-manifestations. A good, a bad Spiritist; the Spiritist Doutrine.
SPIRITISM -Doutrine founded upon the belief in the existence os spirits and their manifestations.
SPIRITIST. - That which has to do with spiritism ; a partisan of spiritism; one who believes in the fact of spirit-manifestations.
SPIRITUALISM. -The opposite of materialism; a belief in the existence of the spiritual and immaterial soul. We say, Spiritualism is the basis of all religions.
SPIRIT. - According to the spiritist theory, spirits are the intelligent beings of
the creation; they people the universe beyond the limits of the visible world, and
constitute the population of the invisible world; they are the souls of men who have
lived upon the earth, or in other globes, and who have quitted their corporeal envelope.
SPIRITUALIST. - One who occupies himself with spiritualism; a partisan of
spiritualism. Whoever believes that there is in the universe something which is not
matter is a spiritualist, but spiritualism does not necessarily imply a belief in the
manifestations of spirits. Every spiritist is necessarily a spiritualist, but every
spiritualist is not necessarily a spiritist; the materialist is neither the one nor the other.
We say, "the spiritualist philosophy," as the antithesis of "theoretic materialism;" "A
work embodying spiritualist ideas," as the opposite of "a work embodying materialistic
ideas." We say, "Spiritist manifestations are produced by the action of spirits on
matter;" "spiritist morality is the result of teachings given by spirits."
"There are
spiritualists who ridicule the spiritist belief."
In these examples, the employment of the word spiritualist for spiritist would
produce confusion.
Stereotype - (from the Greek, stéréos, solid). Quality of tangible apparitions.
Medium – (from the Latin, medium, middle, intermediary). A person who can serve as an intermediary between spirits and incarnates.
Mediumship – (See Medianimity).
Medianimic – Belonging to the special faculty of mediums. The mediumistic faculty.
Medianimity – The faculty of mediums. Synonymous with mediumship. These words are often employed interchangeably; if one wants to make a distinction, one may say that mediumship has a more general meaning and medianimity a more restricted one: someone has the gift of mediumship. Mechanical medianimity.
Mediumat – The providential mission of mediums. This word has been coined by the Spirits. (See chapter XXXI, communication XII).
PERISPIRIT (from the Greek peri roundabout, and the Latin spiritus, breath,
spirit). - The semi-material envelope of the soul. During incarnation, it serves as the
link or intermediary between the incarnated spirit and the matter of his fleshly body;
during erraticity, it constitutes the spirit's fluidic body, inseparable from the personality
of the spirit.
Pneumatophony – (from the Greek, pneuma, and phoné, sound or voice). The voice of spirits, the oral communication of spirits without using the voice of a medium.
PNEUMATOGRAPHY (from the Greek pneuma, air, breath, wind, spirit, and
grapho, I write). - This word denotes the direct writing of spirits, without the use of the
medium's hand.
PSYCHOPHONY. - The communication of spirits by the voice of a speaking medium.
PSYCHOGRAPHY. - The writing of spirits by a medium's hand.
Psychographer – (from the Greek, psukê, butterfly, soul, and graphô, I write). The person who psychographs; a writing medium.
REINCARNATION. - The return of a spirit to corporeal life; plurality of existences, in this planet and in other material worlds.
SEMATOLOGY (from the Greek sema, a sign, and logos, a discourse). - The language of signs. The communications of spirits by the movements of inert bodies.
TYPTOLOGY. - Language of raps or tilts; a mode of spirit-communication. Alphabetical typtology; the designation of letters (or cyphers) by raps or tilts.
Typter - (from the Greek, tuptô, I strike). The quality of mediums skillful at communications through typtology. A typological medium.