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213. The writing is sometimes very legible, words and letters perfectly detached ; but with some mediums it is difficult to decipher for any other than the one who writes it; the habit must be acquired. It is quite often formed in large characters ; the spirits are little economical of paper. When a word or phrase is illegi- ble, ask the spirit to please begin again, which he is usually willing to do. When the writing is habitually illegible, even for the medium, he can almost always succeed in obtaining clearer copy by frequent and con- tinued practice, bringing to it a strong will, and ear- nestly requesting the spirit to be more correct. Some spirits often adopt conventional signs, which pass cur- rent in habitual circles. To mark when a question displeases them, or they do not wish to answer, they will, for instance, make a long bar, or something equiva- lent.
When the spirit has finished what he had to say, or will no longer answer, the hand remains immovable, and the medium, be his power and will what they may, can obtain no further word. On the contrary, until the spirit has finished, the pencil goes on with- out the hand being able to stop it. If he wish to say something spontaneously, the hand seizes the pencil convulsively, and begins to write without power to oppose it. The medium almost always feels within him something that indicates, if it is only a suspension, or if the spirit has ended. It is seldom he does not feel when he is gone.
Such are the most essential explanations we have to give concerning the development of psychography; experience will show, in the practice, certain details use- less to bring in here, and for which each one must be guided by general principles. Let every one try, and there will be found more mediums than are sup- posed.
When the spirit has finished what he had to say, or will no longer answer, the hand remains immovable, and the medium, be his power and will what they may, can obtain no further word. On the contrary, until the spirit has finished, the pencil goes on with- out the hand being able to stop it. If he wish to say something spontaneously, the hand seizes the pencil convulsively, and begins to write without power to oppose it. The medium almost always feels within him something that indicates, if it is only a suspension, or if the spirit has ended. It is seldom he does not feel when he is gone.
Such are the most essential explanations we have to give concerning the development of psychography; experience will show, in the practice, certain details use- less to bring in here, and for which each one must be guided by general principles. Let every one try, and there will be found more mediums than are sup- posed.