Allan Kardec

94. We will only quote, in illustration of the foregoing remarks, a conversation in reference to the occurrences in the rue des Noyers, in Paris,

in June 1860. (See the Revue Spirite, for August 1860.)

1. (Question addressed to Saint Louis.) Will you have the kindness to tell us if the facts reported to have taken place in the rue des Noyers really took place? We have no doubt as to their possibility.

"Yes, they really occurred; the popular imagination exaggerates them, but they were really the work of a spirit who likes to amuse himself at the expense of the inhabi- tants of the house in question."

2. Is there any one in the house who is the cause of these manifestations?

"Such manifestations are always caused by the presence of the person attacked; they arise from the ill-will of the perturbing spirit towards an inhabitant of the place to which he conies; and his object is to annoy him, and to drive him out of the house."

3. We would ask if, among tile people of tile house, there is some one who causes these phenomena by a spontaneous, involuntary, medianimic influence?

"Without such an influence, these occurrences could not have taken place. A spirit dwells in a place for which lie has a predilection ; lie remains passive, as long as there is in it no one fitted to be used as a medium; but if such a person comes thither, he uses his medianimity as much as he can."

4. Is the presence of such a person at the very place itself indispensable?

"It is so usually, and such is the case in the present instance; this is why I said that, without the presence of such a person, the occurrences could not have taken place. But it was not lily object to generalise; there are cases in which the immediate presence of a medium is not necessary."

5. Uproarious spirits being always of an inferior order, is the aptitude for serving as their auxiliary a presumption of inferiority on the part of the person they use as a medium, and does it show his sympathy with the beings who thus use him?
"No; not precisely so; for this aptitude results from a physical disposition

nevertheless, it sometimes implies, on the part of the medium, a physical tendency from which he should endeavour to free himself. The more elevated you are morally, the higher are the spirits you attract; and these necessarily keep off the lower ones."

6. Where does the spirit find the projectiles he makes use of?

"The different objects thus employed are generally taken from the spot where the manifestations occur, or in its neighbourhood; a force proceeding from the spirit impels them into the air, and they fall into the place designed by him."

7. Since these spontaneous manifestations are often permitted, and even ordered, with a view to convincing the incredulous, it appears to us that, if the latter were them-selves the objects of these phenomena, they would be compelled to yield to the evidence of their own perceptions. They sometimes complain that they cannot get hold of conclusive facts is it not in the power of spirits to give such persons some proof that they could not deny?

"Do not atheists and materialists witness, every moment, the effects of the power of God and of thought? But does this hinder them from denying both God and the soul? Did the miracles of Jesus convert all his contemporaries? Do not those who, in your time, ask you to let them see some manifestations, too often resemble the Pharisees who said 'Master, show us a sign'? Those who are not convinced, by the wonders of the creation, of the existence of beings superior to man, would hardly be induced to admit the existence of spirits, even if the latter should appear to them in ways the most convincing. Opportunities of seeing are always to be found by those who seek for them with honesty and sincerity. Incredulity cannot hinder the accomplishment of the Providential purposes; it will not hinder the development of the spiritist movement. Do not trouble yourself about opposition, which is, to the truth, what shadow is to the picture, giving it a higher relief."

8. Do you think it would be of any use to evoke this spirit, so that we might ask him some questions?

"Evoke him if you will; but he is a spirit of low degree, who will not be able to give you much information."

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