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300. Some persons will say, Of what use are the teachings of the spirits if they offer to us no greater certainty than human teachings ? The answer is easy : We do not accept the teachings of all men with equal confidence, and between two doctrines we give the preference to that whose author seems to us most en lightened, most capable, most judicious, least accessible . to passion ; we must act the same with the spirits.
If in the number there are some who are not above humanity, there are many who are far beyond it ; and these could give us instructions, we should seek in vain among the most learned men. We must dis tinguish them from the rabble of inferior spirits, and a profound knowledge of Spiritism will certainly lead us to this distinction.
But even these instructions are limited, and if it is not given to spirits to know everything, for still greater reason should it be the same with men. Thus, there are things on which they are questioned in vain, either that it is forbidden to reveal them, or because they are themselves ignorant of them, and could give us only their personal opinion ; but these very personal opin ions are what vain spirits give as absolute truths. It is especially on what should remain hidden, as the future, and the principle of things, that they insist the most, in order to appear to be in the secrets of God ; so it is on these points there are the most contradic tions. (See the preceding chapter.)
If in the number there are some who are not above humanity, there are many who are far beyond it ; and these could give us instructions, we should seek in vain among the most learned men. We must dis tinguish them from the rabble of inferior spirits, and a profound knowledge of Spiritism will certainly lead us to this distinction.
But even these instructions are limited, and if it is not given to spirits to know everything, for still greater reason should it be the same with men. Thus, there are things on which they are questioned in vain, either that it is forbidden to reveal them, or because they are themselves ignorant of them, and could give us only their personal opinion ; but these very personal opin ions are what vain spirits give as absolute truths. It is especially on what should remain hidden, as the future, and the principle of things, that they insist the most, in order to appear to be in the secrets of God ; so it is on these points there are the most contradic tions. (See the preceding chapter.)