The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862

Allan Kardec

You are in: The Spiritist Review - Journal of Psychological Studies - 1862 > February > Spiritist Teachings and Dissertations > Forgetting Humiliation Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies – medium Mrs. Costel

Forgetting Humiliation Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies – medium Mrs. Costel

“My dear, forgetting humiliation is achieving the perfection of the spirit. It was easier for Jesus to forgive the outrage of his Passion than it is for you to forgive the slight mockery. The great soul of the Savior was used for kindness and would not conceive bitterness or vengeance; ours, when hit by little things, forget what is important.

People daily beg for God’s forgiveness that falls upon them like a beneficent drizzle, but their hearts forget that word, incessantly repeated in their prayers. Truly, I tell you: the internal pride corrupts the soul. It is the huge rock that attaches it to the ground, delaying its elevation. When criticized look inside; examine your sinful self, the one that the world ignores; probe its depth and heal your vanity through the recognition of your own misery. If the offense is more serious and reaches your heart be sorry for the unfortunate one who has done that, as you would be for an injured person whose open wound is gushing blood. Someone that annihilates his future deserves compassion.

Jesus met human suffering at the Garden of Olives but he always ignored the roughness of pride and the insignificance of vanity. He incarnated to demonstrate to humanity the type of moral beauty that should serve as their role model. Do not move away from that ever. Work onto your souls as one does with the soft material and transform your clay into an imperishable marble that God, the great sculptor, may sign.”


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